Sunday, March 1, 2009

Why would a company or individual need branding?

Branding is an art. It is a powerful strategy that can make a vital contribution to individuals or organizational success. It is about strategically positioning the individuals or companies, developing professionally competent brands-driven people and cultivating a culture of breakthrough innovation.

How can we do that? Well, first throw away the notion that branding only involves advertisements, promotions and marketing, i.e. putting an image out there. Neither, it is limited to a specific logo or name.

Yes, it involves that, but a huge part of art and touch points i.e. communication marketing efforts, product or service experience, delivery, people and team skills, consistent relationships with key audiences, communities, investors, public relations, competitors, government, and more.

Powerful branding can equip almost any new product or service with instant credibility and value that simply can’t be reproduced with any sort of product-focused marketing campaign. That is why it is vitally important to create a strong and consistent present felt.

I am creating my blog with my internet marketing coach, Fione of

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